We all live very busy lives and my life is definitely no different. Some mornings are so manic that we just don’t have the time to have breakfast. Or do we?
Most mornings I must admit I am in quite a hurry. By the time I go to the gym, shower and get ready for work there is often little time left to consume breakfast before I leave the house. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t eat a nutritious breakfast every morning. Due to my limited amount of time in the morning (I get up at 5:30am so getting up earlier is not an option) I like to make my breakfast the night before and consume it at work in the morning when I am reading through my e-mails.  A simple, nutritious, tasty recipe which is also low in FODMAPs is my blueberry overnight oats.

The oats provide you with a good dose of fibre and B vitamins, the chia with omega-3 fatty acids, the yoghurt with calcium and protein and the blueberries with antioxidant vitamins.

So here is my overnight oat recipe that I know you will love!


  • ¼ cup oatsoats
  • 1 tbs chia
  • 100g greek yoghurt
  • ½ cup blueberriesblueberries
  • ½ tbs maple syrup
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • ¼ cup water


  1. Combine ingredients and leave in the fridge overnight.
  2. Consume in the morning and enjoy! You may want to add an extra drizzle of maple syrup if you want a little extra sweetness.

Yes it is that simple!

Also remember that you can swap the fruit to another low FODMAP choice such as ½ banana, ½ cup strawberries, passionfruit or whatever else tickles your fancy.

Remember to sign up for the FODMAP Nutrition + Dietetics Newsletter to keep with all your latest FODMAP information. Simply type in your e-mail at the bottom of the page where it says ‘Newsletter Sign Up’.


Always Running Late in the Morning? A Quick and Easy Overnight Oats Recipe which is Low in FODMAPs
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